Picon Studio
Creative Studio of Photo&Video Production
in Barcelona / Madrid / Canary Islands (Spain)

Biotech Usa Youtube Channel

Client: BioTechUSALocation: Hungary

Category of Work: youtube channel, social content, photo&video production

The world's leading sports nutrition brand BiotechUSA trusted us to produce the content for its new YouTube channel in Spanish.

The client already had a contract with influencers from Madrid who would be the presenters of the YouTube channel. We had to write the script with the texts they had to read on the teleprompter, search for locations and studios, as well as the necessary material for production in Madrid. Also coordinate the logistics, create the content and finally edit it and insert the necessary motion graphics to have the videos ready to upload to YouTube.

Everything was done according to the agreed production script. All the videos were recorded the same day in Madrid in a production that lasted a whole day and the videos were delivered with the agreed content and duration.

The YouTube channel has helped the brand to have a greater impact in the Spanish-language market. Allowing to reach new consumers and consolidating others with the recurring content or "evengreen content" of the YouTube channel.

Production: picOn Studio Director of Photography: Pablo Nordea Styling: Laura Morales Hair & Make-Up: Marta Perez Colorist: Arman Calvo Post Production: picOn Studio